Syllabi made easy
Why schools choose Simple Syllabus over WIDS Syllabus for syllabus publishing
Focused to help you succeed
While some companies promise an all-encompassing miracle solution—single-source solution for training, curriculum management, program mapping, outcome assessments, syllabus management and more—this strategy often translates to software that barely meets even the most basic institutional requirements in an area. Simple Syllabus delivers a far more comprehensive solution than WIDS for publishing class syllabi.
Simple Syllabus is philosophically committed to a very different approach to delivering the most feature-complete, easy-to-use syllabus management platform. We designed our platform with syllabus management as the sole priority, and that focus brings a suite of features that support even the most complex institutional requirements. As the largest provider of digital syllabus technology in higher education, Simple Syllabus gives your institution an easy-to-use platform that is highly customizable and cost effective. Don’t just take our word—check out the differences in a demonstration.

Usability is key
If a tool isn’t easy to use, campus stakeholders won’t use it—this is where Simple Syllabus really excels. The Simple Syllabus platform is intuitive and designed from the ground up to save faculty time with the only single-click interface for syllabus publishing. It’s also smart, doing the heavy lifting for your users such as carrying forward their previous content and prepopulating major sections of the syllabus—directly from the LMS. Furthermore, our conditional logic feature drastically reduces administrative workload and dynamically swaps out syllabus content based on a predetermined set of rules, such as delivery method, campus location, and more.
- Single page editing experience
- Seamlessly integrated
- Eliminate dual entry
- Intuitive design
Highly configurable
Personalized to you
Simple Syllabus has the flexibility to support what makes your institution, well, your institution. Through a simple click-and-drag administrative interface, non-technical users can control everything about your site. Users can design templates across campus using personalized terminology and workflows, so the software works exactly the way you need it to work. During implementation, our team of experts will help you configure the solution. The configurability of the Simple Syllabus platform ensures it meets your needs now and into the future.
- Customizable templates
- Configurable terminologies
- Conditional logic
- Dynamic workflows

Seamless integrations
The friendly application
Simple Syllabus can talk—with other applications, that is. Integration with higher education’s leading LMS providers typically takes less than 30 minutes to set up and is entirely built upon the Learning Interoperability Standard (LTI), ensuring ongoing stability and compatibility. Additionally, connections with your Student Information System can be deployed quickly, with multiple communication methods supported on most major commercially available platforms.
- LTI integration
- Real-time API connections
- Flat file transfer support
The syllabus experts
Our team is knowledgeable and diligent, and has developed extensive expertise from our work on hundreds of syllabus implementations (more than all other vendors combined). Your Simple Syllabus project team will consist of former educators, higher ed professionals, and software experts, all with the same goal—to ensure your campus is successful with syllabi. Our teams are always cross-functional and bring together several different subject matter experts based on your organizational needs.