Simple Syllabus

Simple Syllabus

Power up syllabi

Balance academic freedom and institutional standards with an easy to use syllabus publishing platform.

Syllabus template platform

Over 400 schools Simple Syllabus


Syllabus templates made simple

Simple Syllabus increases efficiency by leveraging frequently used content to automatically build key components of your syllabi, saving faculty and staff valuable time. These components are organized into syllabus templates to ensure consistent messaging around scheduling, materials, learning outcomes, policies, and more.

Templates not only organize and ensure consistency of crucial institutional information, but allow content owners to quickly and easily personalize syllabi directly from within the LMS.

All the features your campus needs

Configurable Syllabus Template

Configurable templates

Easy-to-use template builder can establish required syllabus components.


Leverage the power of data and prepopulate the syllabus template for faculty.

Empower personalization

Give instructors complete control of the areas of the syllabus that matter most to them.

Guidance & support

Accelerate new instructors with built in help text, how-to's, and guides.

Syllabus Management approval workflow

Conditional logic

Outline rules and swap out content dynamically based on institutional data.

syllabus lms

Single-entry update

Make a change once and publish to syllabi everywhere.

Customizable components

Completely personalize the template by configuring as many components as needed.

Syllabus publishing workflow roles

Share responsibilities

Assign content ownership to different layers of the organization and scale content creation.

Quick start

Prepopulate suggested default text for syllabus components to get instructors started.